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Wanted: Your Opinion on How to Fix Medicare

Oct 12, 2012 
Dear Member,
We  need your advice on a project that will benefit you and your fellow members.  We are trying to learn how our our members use Medicare, and what they like and don't like about it. Just as important, we want to see how you would rate various choices to preserve Medicare, so it is viable for our and future generations.
All you need to do is complete this easy and fast 9 question survey. We'll use your input for a future newsletter article to help our members understand how to make the best use of this important benefit, as well as try to make sure your voice gets heard in the larger public debate.
Please take a moment right now to tell us.  Enter your email address (along with your other suggestions) in Question 9 and you will get a chance to win a copy of Jan Cullinane's new book: "The Single Woman's Guide to Retirement" (or Roberta Isleib's "An Appetite for Murder".  Thanks!
PS. If you have already responded to this survey - thanks!  But if you have not, please do your part for our communityby responding to these 9 short questions.
John Brady
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